List Harga Mesin Ketik Kantoran

Harga Mesin Ketik Kantoran - Meski zaman dipenuhi berbagai produk gadget canggih namun kehadiran mesin ketik tetap diperlukan oleh sebagian besar kantor, perusahaan dan instansi pemerintahan. Seringnya sebuah mesin ketik dipakai untuk mengetikkan surat resmi, surat pernyataan atau berkas-berkas penting perusahaan atau instansi. Di masa lalu harga mesin ketik dengan kualitas baik cukup mahal. Akan tetapi seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi, harga sebuah mesin ketik sudah makin terjangkau. Saat ini mesin ketik tipe manual sudah mulai digantikan oleh keberadaan mesin ketik elektrik.
List Harga Mesin Ketik Kantoran,

Mesin ketik elektrik memiliki beberapa kelebihan diantaranya adalah mengetik tanpa perlu menekan huruf-huruf dengan keras, tersedia fitur koreksi kata, ada tabulasi decimal, memasukkan kertas secara otomatis, dan lain-lain. Harga mesin ketik elektrik ini pun makin murah hanya berkisar Rp.1,5 jutaan. Di pasaran hanya ada dua merek mesin ketik elektrik yang cukup berkualitas yaitu merek Nakajima dan Brother. Berikut daftar harga mesin ketik elektrik terbaru :

Tipe Mesin Ketik
Nakajima AX-150
Automatic Underlining ( All, Word), Bold Typing, Superscript and Subscript, Margin ( Set, Release),Indent, Tab (Set, Clear), Decimal Tabulation, Centering, Auto Return, Required Hyphen and Required Space, Word Correction, Relocation, Half Backspace, Express Backspace, Caps Lock, Paper Eject, Typing Width 229 mm (9.0''), Typing Speed 12 cps, Line Spacing 1, 1.5, 2, Correction Memory 1 Lines (Max. 90 Characters).

Brother GX-6750
Perfectype® professional touch keyboard, View mode allows easy viewing of the typing line, Automatic carriage return, Forward and reverse indexing, Automatic paper insertion, Automatic repeat for all characters, Interchangeable cassette for daisy wheel with various type styles available, Interchangeable cassette ribbon, Self-demo feature automatically demonstrates features and functions, Paper support conveniently doubles as lid cover, Carrying grip, Typing Width 9", Typing Speed 12 characters per second, Line Spacing 1, 1.5, 2, Correction Memory 65 character lift-off correction memory, Dimension 417 x 384 x 135 mm, Weight 4.5 kg.

Nakajima AX-160
Automatic Underlining ( All, Word), Bold Typing, Superscript and Subscript, Margin ( Set, Release), Indent, Tab (Set, Clear), Decimal Tabulation, Centering, Auto Return, Required Hyphen and Required Space, Word Correction, Relocation, Half Backspace, Express Backspace, Caps Lock, Paper Eject, Right Margin Flush, Justification, Block (Copy, Move, Delete), Search, Insert Mode, Recall, Over Lay, Phrase File Into a Text, Stop Code, Syllable Hyphen, Set Page Length, Ribbon Mode Select, Chain Recall, List of File (Fileremaning, Fileprinting), Delete a File, Typing Width 229 mm (9.0''), Typing Speed 12 cps, Line Spacing 1, 1.5, 2, Correction Memory 1 Line Full, Display Liquid Crystal Display 20 characters, Dimension 412 x 375 x117 mm, Weight 5.1 kg.

Brother GX-8250
Compact Electronics Typewriter 12,87" with LCD Display, 10/12/15 Pitch Typing, Line Out Correction, Words Spell, Warranty 1 year

Nakajima AE-640
Paper Width 381mm (15"), Typing Width 292mm (11.5"), Typing Speed 20 cps, Line Spacing 1, 1.5, 2, Correction Memory 10 lines (700 characters), Display LCD 40 characters, Dimension 480 X 406 X 132 mm, Weight 7.8 kg
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